Monday, July 30, 2012


Discovered in 1930's, in a mine of a small rural village 100 miles Southwest of Chihuahua, Mexico, buried a smaller human skeleton and is mysteriously deformed. In February of 1990, Lloyd Pye was first shown the Starchild skull by its owners. His initially reaction that it is a rare genetic deformity of some kind, however the skull's symmetry was astonishing which are too perfect to be a genetic anomaly.

The bones are perfectly formed, most which have human counter parts but shaped differently and is almost perfectly symmetrical. investigations found out that the skull is actually a child's skull. According to the dental examination it shows the lack of erupted adult teeth conclusive that the skull belongs to a four to five year old. Parts of the skull is missing from the upper bridge of the nose to the foramen magnum-a hole where the spinal cord enters the cranial cavity. The cranium and the eye sockets are intact. Its cranial cavities are excessively larger than the average adult skull, 200cc more larger. A larger cranium indicates a larger brain mass. In humans have 200cc larger capacity than their predecessor. Is this mean  a smarter species do exist?

In further investigation a CAT scan has shown that the sutures between the bones of the cranium had not yet been sealed themselves, which prohibits for further growth. Most congenital anomaly exhibit some degree of premature sealing of the sutures. This makes the skull is unlikely a result of an anomaly. There are no frontal sinuses and the posterior part of the skull is flattened.

Carbon dating placed the skull at 900 years of age. DNA study shows that the child was not only human and the child is a male, and indicate that the parents must have been human as well. The skull consist of calcium hydroxylapatite, which is the normal composition in a mammalian bone. Basing from its physical features of the skull, the eye sockets are shallow and round and the optic nerve channel is  at the base of the orbit, in the normal human skull the optic nerve channel is found in the rear.

Legends spreads throughout the Central and South America, that a "Star Beings" come down from the heavens and impregnate females in an isolated villages. Which to term the women give them birth to their "starchildren" and raise them to age six or so. When its ready the Star beings return to the village and collect their progeny. Its purpose is not clearly outlined in the legends. Many believe that improving their stagnate gene pool could be the reason.

Is it a birth defect or works of an extra terrestrial beings from the heavens? Is it a smarter human-alien hybrid that have larger brain mass than that of an average human? The best explanation is more likely the condition known as the "hydrocephalus". Normally the CSF(cerebro-spinal fluid) circulates in the cranium and the spinal cord, when an anomaly obstructs its path, the CSF won't be drained and it will accumulate inside the skull. More fluid inside the skull causes more pressure, in an unclosed fissures of a skull this will cause it to buldge outward.

1 comment:

  1. aun cuando la hidrocefalia es una buena explicacion , queda el misterio de por que el craneo es tan simetrico.
